About the Books

About The Book
The Walk I Took
My Biography
Unfortunately, I did not know to whom I had married. It had not been a marriage of love but of convenience. As the weeks and months went by, it was like being on a roller coaster. The coercive control was like a recap of my marriage to Brian, having to be compliant and willing to please.
The physical and mental stress became much worse. Mike was perverse in how he treated me, not as a husband should treat his wife; his sexual abuse and rape were continuous. I would be in bed asleep when I would feel hands around my neck in a stranglehold, and then he would be raping me, pulling my hair back, and raping me again. I could not move, for fear had engulfed me.
excerpt 1
My mother was standing at the top of thirteen stairs with me, screaming at my father, I do not want her, catch!!
excerpt 2
I ran out of the apartment, jumped into my car, and drove. I was tearing down the road of the escarpment, not caring if the car went off the road. Suddenly, it was as if my car had been picked up and put in an alcove under a cliff-hanging, and there I sat. A car coming towards me asked if I was alright. Numbly, I said yes.
excerpt 3
I arrived home from the hospital at Christmas, still not well and in recovery mode from the operation. Lying on the couch, Doug said, “I’ll put more logs in the woodstove,” I said, “No, Doug, It’s fine as it is,” but he would not listen to me. Next, a mighty roar as the chimney caught fire. “O dear Father, not anymore, please.”

About The Book
Jesus' Little One
Looking for Love
Since 1997, I have rescued many Siberian Huskies, seven in all, plus 3 mixed Retrievers. These beautiful creatures are such faithful companions and give back as much love as I give to them, if not more. Anika, my last Siberian in Canada, travelled with me to Wales. Anika, loved Wales and Bailey, a Short-haired Retriever, came and joined us. Four years ago, the Lord Jesus, brought Blusie into our lives. Blusie was very supportive to Anika who was ill.
Anika passed away at the ripe old age of 16 1/2 years. This is a story of love, reaching out to those dear dogs who have been rejected and abused. The story of Anika, Bailey and Blusie is a story that tells of the need out there for God’s creatures needing to be loved. Bailey is now 11 years old and Blusie is 8 years old.
excerpt 1
Hello, Hello!! Anika, look over there, said Blusie; there is a dog crying.
excerpt 2
Blusie looked upon the little dog and smiled. Little one, said Blusie, Jesus has His arms out waiting for you to say to Him, “Here I am, Jesus,” please come into my life? I need you.
excerpt 3
“O dear, you poor little thing.” Looking at the dog, mum said, “You look so sad and frightened; what has happened to you?” Bending down to the dog, mum put her arms around the dog to comfort him.