About the Author

About The Author​

Lori Cameron

Lori Cameron grew up in Southampton, England with her parents and brother, until married in 1965. By 1971 Lori and her two boys and husband immigrated to Canada. After seven years of turmoil, she found herself lost and alone, with many attempts on trying to take her life, she, finally, broken and lost and suffering from injuries caused by a car accident, was drawn to Psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd, and grabbed hold of the hand of the Lord Jesus. Even though she was to suffer more pain and tribulation, the Lord brought her through and back to the UK in Wales where after several years Lori was to write two books, One on her life, From Hell to Redemption, under her pen name, Patricia Marten, then Little Ones, under her own name, this book gave her such joy to write.

Lori Cameron lives in the hills of Wales in the United Kingdom. with her dear companions Blusie. a Siberian Husky, and Bailey, a Lab/Ret. Lori loves spending time working in the garden and taking long walks with her dogs. Her inspiration comes from her love of Jesus Christ, her Lord, and Saviour, who is Lori’s chief companion. Her love of the Lord and, most importantly, the love He has bestowed on her throughout the years is her strength and has become stronger with every passing moment as He continues to lead her on a wonderful journey with Him.